Current Location: 正规买球十大平台 >Internal mechanism >Liaison department

Liaison department

According to the policies of the municipal Party Committee and municipal government on foreign trade and foreign affairs,Promote the city's foreign economic and trade activities,Promote the expansion of import and export trade and investment,Promoting economic and technological exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries;Give play to the unique role of people-to-people diplomacy,To develop economic and trade exchanges with other countries and regions in the world,Inviting and receiving persons and delegations from foreign economic and trade circles to visit;tissue我市Economic and trade, Chamber of commerce delegations and people from all walks of life to visit and study abroad。To collect, collate, transmit and publish domestic and foreign economic and trade information;Establish economic and trade information network, provide economic and trade information consultation, credit investigation and various services to relevant enterprises and institutions at home and abroad, and organize foreign economic and trade visits。
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